After the previous episode, expectations were raised high, and Part Two of Death of the Doctor proved just why. With the usual Russell T Davies amount of emo-writing with exciting twists, it was a marvel to see both Sarah Jane and Jo Jones working together to help save the day--not before they had been captured of course. Not only that but fan of the old series got to see the two old timer companions back on a planet far, far away with the hero we all want to be secluded with!
Let’s not forget the ‘kid’ characters though, Rani and Clyde and Jo’s grandson, Santiago--a fascinating name explained in the previous episode. To see these three characters work together to help the Doctor, Sarah and Jo and of course themselves was perfect. Daniel Anthony and Anjli Mohindra are, as ever, perfect in their roles and Clyde and Rani, both taking the story forwards and allowing the younger audiences to experience the world they have been drawn into as if the audience were part of the show, another brilliant part in Russell’s writing.
Of course, the best bit of the episode has to be when we view the memories of the old companions which are seen as ‘flashbacks’ to the audience, able to see the first four Doctors (Jo having met them in the story ‘The Three Doctors’ and Sarah of course knowing the Third and Fourth--and let’s not forget her involvement in ‘The Five Doctors’) and the companions adventures with them, with very little seen of the Daleks, a surprise for Russell, and barely anything seen of the Tenth Doctor, he being used up in Part One rather rapidly. Also the references at the end of the episode by Sarah about the Doctor’s past companions is fantastic--names mentioned included Ian and Barbra, Tegan, Harry and Ace.
Finally, while this review is short and sweet, we cannot forget Matt Smith. Although mentioned in the previous review, it has to be said that he is brilliant! Able to make the script provided suit his own Doctor, allowing the Eleventh Doctor to seem fresh each time, able to surprise the viewer, especially at his reference to Amy and Rory on a Honeymooning planet (literally, a planet on it’s Honeymoon with an Asteroid!) or confuse you--especially his reference to having five hundred and seven regenerations, a questionable scene and not meant to be taken seriously anyway, joking around in a serious situation.
That all aside, it all comes down to this:
Sarah Jane = 10/10--always fabulous, one cannot not fall for Elizabeth Sladen when in the immortal role of Sarah Jane Smith.
Jo = 10/10--what can I say other than it being fab to see her back and wonderful to see that her character hasn’t changed too much.
Clyde/Rani = 9/10--love these two companions of a companion, that’s all I can say!
Doctor = 10/10--very surprised at how well RTD has written his character, Matt portrays him so well!
Plot = 7.5/10--okay, the story could have been better, especially the Shansheeth, but for a kid’s story it works well.
Overall rating for the two episodes: A solid 9 out of 10--good plot, amazing cast, varying characters, odd villains and an evil member of Un.I.T., need there be more?
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