Saturday, June 12, 2010

S05E11 - The Lodger

The Lodger was a surprisingly good episode, much better than I thought it would be and James Cordon actually surprised me--the character of Craig wasn’t too similar to Smithy yet completely suitable for the episode.

It’s interesting to note that this episode was actually inspired by a Tenth Doctor comic strip involving the Doctor sharing a flat with Mickey while Rose was aboard the TARDIS, in a similar position to Amy. Speaking of which, not much of the fiery redhead, but it worked, allowing us to see Matt Smith at full potential and giving him the opportunity to show of his elegant football skills--a match I would willing watch over again. But wasn’t Matt Smith great? His portrayal of the Doctor gets better with each episode, this one being the highlight of what the Eleventh Doctor really is and how he behaves when he’s away from Amy Pond.

Now, apart from the obvious, there were great nods toward two particular Doctor’s within ‘the Lodger’, the first being with the Time Loops, which were also a major part of Fourth Doctor episode, ‘the City of Death’ in which the effects for the Loops were identical, and the second was a reference to the Doctor’s sporty side--the Fifth Doctor played cricket in Black Orchid, the Eleventh Doctor played football in this episode. My praise goes out to Gareth Roberts, the writer of this episode.

Now focussing on the plot a little, it wasn’t the best storyline for a Who story, maybe it was adapting Ten, Mickey and Rose onto Eleven, Craig and Amy, I’m not sure, but it isn’t high up on the ratings for me this week, but the acting and ‘feel good’ factors are definitely high. Oh, and tiny teaser--Amy finding her engagement ring from Rory! Will she remember him from that? I hope so…

Doctor = 10/10 (need I say more?)
Amy = 9/10 (wanted moooore!!)
Craig = 7/10 (lovely fella.)
Sophie = 7/10 (same as Craig really.)
Plot = 6/10 (could have done with something more.)

Overall episodic rating: 8/10, the acting really brought marks ahead.

Next Episode Preview: Oh… my… god! It looks amazing! Horse riding, Stonehenge, Roman soldiers, ruined Cybusmen, the mysterious Pandorica and of course River Song. Let’s hope it lives up to expectations… well, my expectations! ;)

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