Monday, May 09, 2011

First Birthday Competition


The 25th of May is very special occasion for the Who Review, by it being the blog’s FIRST birthday! (…or Creation-day if you want to be more precise) So in celebration of the remarkable occasion, I am setting the Who Review’s first ever competition; the winner will have their very own review posted upon the board on the day, to remain there forever more…

So, what have you got to do? Well, just simply TYPE! Type a review of quite literally anything: be it a programme you’ve watched, a movie you’ve seen, a play you’ve witnessed, a gig/concert you’ve gone to, or even the progress of the growth of a plant you’ve become fond of; quite literally anything! It must however be over 400 words but not excel 2000 (one can get carried away, as I know), have an appropriately named title, a logical start, middle and conclusion and be interesting for all. Once that’s all done, email it to (or PM it to me on facebook) with the title ‘Competition Review’ along with your own name and alias you’d like to use should you not want your name to appear (a SENSIBLE alias though, am NOT accepting something stupid) all by 6PM on the 21st of May (that’s next Saturday, so not much time) and the winner will be, as mentioned above, proudly announced four days later (so I have time to look through and decide on the winner) along with their review to be seen by all.

Does that make logical sense? I hope so! So good luck all and may the best reviewer win!

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